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Nimyu is a Tokyo-based artist, who was born in China. She received her BFA in Painting from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, and an MFA in Painting from the New York Academy of Art, New York. Using various media, including painting, video, and animation, her work reflects on our information-driven society and questions the credibility of the information and power structures surrounding us, encouraging self-liberation in a saturated digital landscape.

In 2022, Nimyu held her solo exhibition at Taku Sometani Gallery, Tokyo, entitled “Invisible Ark; Where is the Other Shore You Want to Reach?” and in 2017, “If You Ask Me” in MOUart Gallery, in 798 art district, Beijing. In 2015 and 2016, Nimyu also had solo shows “Iro Iro” and “The Wound of The Bond '' at MOUart Gallery, Beijing. In 2012, she debuted in “Refracted Beings” at Fuse Gallery, New York. Nimyu’s work has been exhibited at the White Rabbit Museum in Sydney, Australia; The Scope Art Fair Basel, Switzerland; “Take Home A Nude'' at Sotheby’s, New York; Masur Museum of Art, Monroe, LA; Urban Art and Media Organization, Munich, Germany; Jack the Pelican, Brooklyn, NY; Limner Gallery, Hudson, NY and Sloan Fine Art, New York amongst other venues.

中国出身、東京を拠点に活動するアーティストのニミュは、北京の中央美術学院を卒業後、ニューヨークに渡り、ニューヨーク・アカデミー・オブ・アート ⼤学院を卒業しました。絵画、ビデオ、アニメーションなど様々なメディアを用いて、情報化社会を振り返り、我々を取り巻く情報や権力構造の信憑性に疑問を投げかけ、飽和状態のデジタル風景における自己解放を促す作品を制作しています。


2022年Taku Sometani Galleryでの「Invisible Ark; Where is the Other Shore You Want to Reach?」や、北京798アート・ディス トリクトのMOUアート・ギャラリーでの「 Iro Iro」(2015) 、「The Wound of The Bond」(2016)、「If You Ask Me」(2017)、ニューヨークFuseギャラリーでの 「Refracted Beings」(2012)など多くの個展・展覧会を開催。 他にもWhite Rabbit Museum collection(オーストラリア)や Scope Art Fair Basel(スイス)、Masur Museum (ロスアンゼルス)、Urban Art and Media Organization (ドイツ)、 Jack the Pelican Presents、Limner Gallery、Sloan Fine Art(すべ てニューヨーク)など世界中で発表されています。

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